Sunday, March 6, 2011

A Tribute to the Greatest Song in the World

So it's a lazy Sunday, and after the response I received from my grilling tutorial, I think I'll probably spend some time out on the smoker today.  In the meantime, that means another lazy Sunday post!

One of my favorite bands is Tenacious D.  I love their musical talent, I totally get their humor, and I love the "we're rock stars and so we're gonna act like it, regardless of whether or not you think we're really rock stars" attitude.  As further proof of their awesomeness, they even have a movie about themselves - it's definitely something of a biopic, although I'm pretty sure there are a few fictional exploits in the movie.
Of course, the move is Tenacious D in The Pick of Destiny, and I highly recommend it.  I think it loses a little bit of steam in the middle when JB runs into Sasquatch, but I'm pretty sure that my brother really likes that part, so I guess it depends on your point of view.  It is definitely a high point in modern cinema.  I'm also waiting to see this poster on the inside of my local Pasta House restaurant:
(for those of you who don't know, the Pasta House is an Italian chain restaurant that has Italian posters of classic American movies decorating the interior)

In The Pick of Destiny, Tenacious D has a rock-off with Satan, which is somewhat of a recurring theme for them.  What I'm referring to, of course, is Tenacious D's song Tribute, in which they are ordered to "play the best song in the world," and, being Tenacious D, they proceed to play the best song in the world to defeat the demon.  The song Tribute, however, is not the greatest song in the world; it is just a tribute to the greatest song in the world!

Such is the humor of Tenacious D; they never truly reveal the identity of the best song in the world, but they sing an entire song about singing the greatest song in the world.  I am especially fond of Jack Black's quote, "and the peculiar thing is this, my friends, the song we sang on that fateful night, it didn't actually sound anything like this song!

And this is where you come in - what song do you think they played for the shiny demon in the middle of the road?  What song do you think is worthy of the title of "the best song in the world," or has the power of rock enough to send Satan packing?

I think Tenacious D may favor Zeppelin, judging from one of their HBO specials (warning - strong language is in this video!); if you want to get straight to the song, it starts at 4:50, but I like their assorted humor.
I actually like this version of Tribute better, although it does remove some of the mystique when Kyle starts playing the Stairway to Heaven intro midway through the song.  I still love the way, though, that Tenacious D is able to combine one of my favorite songs of theirs with one of the most popular rock songs ever.

I guess they really are rock stars after all!


  1. A tribute to the greatest song in the world, IS the greatest song in the world.

  2. I like the Sas part because it has an awesome portrayal of drug induced dreaming. The constant changing scenario along with Jack Black's concept of awesomeness interspersed with scenes of him going down a nasty river is hilarious.

    Best song in the world has only been played on that one occasion. It has a hook like "F**k You" with a sound like "Spacelord".

  3. I'm not gonna cook it but I'll order it from Zanzibar!

  4. Great, I will listen to them, maybe I'll like them

  5. I love Tenacious D. I still need to get their Complete Master Works 2.

  6. TO be honest, that movie is best watched high as hell...

  7. Ha, have you ever seen the old TV show they had? It was an old MTV or HBO sketch show or something. They played all the songs from their first album on there and each song was an episode. I'm pretty sure that's where they started.

  8. Tenacious D is the definition of awesomeness.

  9. They have some pretty awesome songs. And their music videos are always a good laugh. Never watched the movie though.

  10. This is not the greatest comment in the world. THIS IS JUST A TRIBUTE!

  11. great vids, thanks for posting!

  12. It was a decent movie.

  13. The title always threw me off, so I never watched it.

    I think I shall now though, after reading this post.

  14. If you haven't seen it yet, I highly recommend the animated video for "FHG". Hilarious.

  15. I never really got into these guys.

  16. I love TD! They have been kicking ass for awhile.
